8,911 complaints received so far by MyCoast app

The MyCoast app, launched earlier this year by the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance, has received significant attention for its role in monitoring and reporting illegal activities on beaches across Greece. As of now, the app has registered approximately 8,911 complaints, with 1,731 of those being filed during the Pentecost weekend alone. This surge in usage highlights the public’s active involvement in protecting coastal areas from unauthorized commercial activities, such as beach bars placing sunbeds and umbrellas without permits.

The app has been downloaded by over 52,000 citizens, enabling them to report violations in real-time. This tool is part of a broader strategy by Greek authorities to ensure proper use of public beach spaces and to prevent abuses that have been prevalent in the past. Special task forces, staffed with public servants from different regions to avoid conflicts of interest, are conducting audits and inspections based on the complaints received through the app. These efforts aim to enforce the new rules implemented since January 1st and improve the management of beach concessions​ (Οικονομικός Ταχυδρόμος – ot.gr)​​ (tovima.com)​​ (Ekathimerini)​.

The introduction of the MyCoast app and the subsequent rise in reported complaints reflect a significant step towards better regulation and preservation of Greece’s coastal areas. The initiative also shows the effectiveness of combining digital tools with traditional inspection methods to tackle environmental and regulatory issues comprehensively.